This section contains a quick look at the C++Builder IDE. We’ll give the IDE a once-over
here, and we’ll examine it in more detail on Day 6, “The C++Builder IDE Explored: Projects
and Forms.” Because you are tackling Windows programming, I’ll assume you are advanced
enough to have figured out how to start C++Builder. When you first start the program, you
are presented with both a blank form and the IDE, as shown in Figure 1.1.
The C++Builder IDE (which stands for integrated development environment) is divided into
three parts. The top window might be considered the main window. It contains the speedbar
on the left and the Component Palette on the right. The speedbar gives you one-click access
to tasks like opening, saving, and compiling projects. The Component Palette contains a
wide array of components that you can drop onto your forms. (Componentsare things like
text labels, edit controls, list boxes, buttons, and the like.) For convenience, the components
5 Getting Your Feet Wet
A componentis a self-contained piece of binary software that performs some specific
predefined task, such as a text label, an edit control, or a list box.
Below the speedbar and Component Palette and glued to the left side of the screen is the
Object Inspector. It is through the Object Inspector that you modify a component’s
properties and events. You will use the Object Inspector constantly as you work with
C++Builder. The Object Inspector has one or two tabs, depending on the component
currently selected. It always has a Properties tab. A component’s propertiescontrol how the
component operates. For example, changing the Colorproperty of a component will change
the background color of that component. The list of available properties varies from
component to component, although components usually have several common elements
(Widthand Heightproperties, for instance).
Figure 1.1.
The C++Builder
IDE and the initial
blank form.
are divided into groups. Did you notice the tabs along the top of the Component Palette? Go
ahead and click on the tabs to explore the different components available to you. To place
a component on your form, you simply click the component’s button in the Component
Palette and then click on your form where you want the component to appear. Don’t worry
about the fact that you don’t yet know how to use components. We’ll get to that in due time.
When you are done exploring, click on the tab labeled Standard, because you’ll need it in a
here, and we’ll examine it in more detail on Day 6, “The C++Builder IDE Explored: Projects
and Forms.” Because you are tackling Windows programming, I’ll assume you are advanced
enough to have figured out how to start C++Builder. When you first start the program, you
are presented with both a blank form and the IDE, as shown in Figure 1.1.
The C++Builder IDE (which stands for integrated development environment) is divided into
three parts. The top window might be considered the main window. It contains the speedbar
on the left and the Component Palette on the right. The speedbar gives you one-click access
to tasks like opening, saving, and compiling projects. The Component Palette contains a
wide array of components that you can drop onto your forms. (Componentsare things like
text labels, edit controls, list boxes, buttons, and the like.) For convenience, the components
5 Getting Your Feet Wet
Exploring the C language
1A componentis a self-contained piece of binary software that performs some specific
predefined task, such as a text label, an edit control, or a list box.
Below the speedbar and Component Palette and glued to the left side of the screen is the
Object Inspector. It is through the Object Inspector that you modify a component’s
properties and events. You will use the Object Inspector constantly as you work with
C++Builder. The Object Inspector has one or two tabs, depending on the component
currently selected. It always has a Properties tab. A component’s propertiescontrol how the
component operates. For example, changing the Colorproperty of a component will change
the background color of that component. The list of available properties varies from
component to component, although components usually have several common elements
(Widthand Heightproperties, for instance).
Figure 1.1.
The C++Builder
IDE and the initial
blank form.
are divided into groups. Did you notice the tabs along the top of the Component Palette? Go
ahead and click on the tabs to explore the different components available to you. To place
a component on your form, you simply click the component’s button in the Component
Palette and then click on your form where you want the component to appear. Don’t worry
about the fact that you don’t yet know how to use components. We’ll get to that in due time.
When you are done exploring, click on the tab labeled Standard, because you’ll need it in a
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